The Biggest Advantages of Using Cloud Storage

Cloud computing solutions have changed the dynamics of information systems management.

Globally businesses are preferring to move their information systems into cloud storage solutions.

With an ever increasing demand for online storage of data, cloud storage systems are evolving rapidly and are becoming instrumental in addressing the critical cloud storage needs of businesses.

On the other dimension, the number of service providers offering cloud storage services to customers too is on the rise.

Unlike the past wherein cloud storage services were offered either in a limited capacity for free or with very few service providers offering this kind of services, in the current scenario, there are many global tech giants offering cloud storage services at a competitive price offering, and as highly secured online storage solutions.

Technically, cloud storage solutions are about using remote servers for data storage by SMBs and individuals.

Right from email accounts to the likes storing data on the hard disk, every kind of cloud data storage is possible in the current trends of online storage.

In cloud data storage, the data is stored in remote servers and is accessible on a real-time basis across devices.

However, the users depending on the online storage must ensure the settings are adequate to work on real-time sync of data to the cloud storage.

In this article, some of the key advantages of cloud storage, and choosing the right kind of services are discussed.

1. Usability and Accessibility 

Among the major benefits of cloud storage solutions, the usability and accessibility to the data in online storage are phenomenal.

For instance, a user storing an important document on a laptop or personal computer could find it hard to access such information from any other devices, and remote locations.

Although in the case of online storage, when the users are storing the data in cloud services, it is easier for the users to access the data from the cloud applications, just by logging into the cloud systems using any of the devices connected to the internet.

In the other dimension, when multiple device sync set-up is configured in the cloud storage services, it can be much easier for businesses to access the data on a real-time basis.

The flexibility in terms of using it from remote locations and seamless access to the data across devices stands significant to cloud storage.

2. Security 

Data backups and data security are among the primary concerns in the case of conventional storage solutions.

However, in the case of online storage solutions, the cloud storage services offered by the providers are highly secured and can act fundamentally as a backup solution.

Though the primary copy in the system is amiss, the file copy can be downloaded from the cloud storage solution.

Also, choosing a proper cloud service can work as a de-facto backup option, especially in the case of the regular sync of data.

3. Cost-Efficient 

One of the key challenges for SMBs in managing their respective information systems infrastructure is the cost of handling the requisite infrastructure.

Online storage solutions effectively used can mitigate expenditure on conventional storage options, and lead to efficiency in data management.

Also, the key advantage of cloud storage services such as Microsoft OneDrive, DropBox, iDrive, Amazon Web Services, etc. for SMBs is that some service providers offer free online storage to a certain extent.

Beyond the defined free capacity, online storage packages can be purchased as per the requirement, and the special package services of cloud storage services can be used by businesses.

4. Ease of Work Collaboration 

The other key benefit of cloud storage solutions is the ease of work collaboration among the groups.

Businesses need to manage their team’s work effectively, and online storage services like cloud storage can help in work collaboration.

Sharing the files between the resources based on real-time prospects is a strategic need for the business, and it is possible with ease over cloud services.

By choosing the specific packages wherein work collaboration among the user groups is possible, SMBs can make the best use of online storage solutions for work collaboration.

For businesses targeting remote working models, such online storage services can be a potential solution.

5. Automation 

The other key aspect of cloud storage services is the automation of data management.

While many service providers are offering basic services, some premium online storage service providers are offering potential solutions which are resourceful for businesses.

In some of the premium solutions, the scope like incremental backup options, periodical backup of data, application systems, etc. is some of the added benefits.

Choosing such automation options in online storage can help in improving information systems management and security.

6. Synchronization 

With increasing trends of remote access to work files across devices and the need for seamless data management, the cloud storage services used with a reputed service provider can benefit from real-time synchronization of the data.

Depending on the configuration and settings within the cloud storage accounts, the synchronization pattern can ensure real-time backup of data between device, even among user groups with multiple user accounts.

In an SMB cloud storage environment, the admin can manage the data access privilege between the users in the group, which helps in better control over the online storage of data.

7. Flexibility 

The other key benefit of the cloud storage solution is the flexibility in terms of pay-as-you-use, in which businesses can opt for subscription plans based on the size of the online storage space required.

Depending on the need for more space or less space, businesses can choose higher storage space packages or other options suitable.

Choosing online storage services offering flexibility as a group capacity and individual user data for online storage is important.

Overall, the benefits of using cloud storage are phenomenal, and for SMBs, individuals, and businesses can choose the right kind of online storage services for improving the quality of services.

For more information on cloud services, and for attractive plans on cloud solutions, online storage, reach out to the Exabytes Singapore team.

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